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Meet Your College Navigators

RCC’s skilled College Navigators are ready to meet with you.


TerryAbell.jpg PamReynolds.jpg CharleneJones.jpg RebeccaMiller.jpg

Terry Abell

King George Site
or homeschooled
Schedule a meeting
Email Terry


Pam Reynolds

Glenns, students with last name starting with A-D
Schedule a meeting
Email Pam

Charlene Jones

Glenns, students with last name starting with E-H and ADA Accommodations
Schedule a meeting
Email Charlene

Rebecca Miller

Glenns, students with last name starting with I-N
Schedule a meeting
Email Rebecca


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Alyssa Sims

Glenns, students with last name starting with O-S
Schedule a meeting
Email Alyssa

Constance Peay

Glenns, students with last name starting with T-Z and all Skills and Training students on any campus
Schedule a meeting
Email Constance

Kelly Osuanah

Warsaw, students with last name starting with A-D and ADA Accommodations
Schedule a meeting
Email Kelly

Krista Hundley

Warsaw, students with last name starting with E-K
Schedule a meeting
Email Krista

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Kristin Brooks

Warsaw, students with last name starting with L-R
Schedule a meeting
Email Kristin

Victoria Boone

Warsaw, students with last name starting with S-Z
Schedule a meeting
Email Victoria



Or you can request an appointment with an advisor by emailing or scheduling an appointment through Navigate.