The RCC Haynesville Correctional Center Educational Program, in operation for almost 15 years, brings a quality education experience to those who are incarcerated, equal to that of traditional students.
The program is transformative. Students develop a deeper and more meaningful understanding of themselves and the community around them, preparing them for a productive life outside of prison. Beyond the students, the prison education program impacts their families and society with a significant reduction in recidivism, breaking the cycle of generational poverty and incarceration. Prison education reduces crime and saves public dollars.
“When you look at the overall mission of community college, it’s to bring education closer to the people….When we talk about serving students, we are serving everybody” —Dr. Matthew Brent, history faculty
Faculty find motivated students hungry to learn and ready to feed their minds. The vital and indispensable piece to this learning model is the program coordinator who helps students navigate college within prison. A voice for the students, the RCC Program Director provides college and career advising, serves as a liaison between students, prison administrators and faculty, supports financial aid applications, and provides learning resources to students given the significant limits on technology use.
RCC’s Education Program at Haynesville Correctional Center is supported through a range of federal and philanthropic resources. Long-term sustainability for this initiative is dependent on continued private charitable support and thoughtful philanthropists who truly understand the transformative power of education.
Haynesville Program in the News
Barbara Schaab
RCC Haynesville Program Director