Non-Discrimination Policy
Rappahannock Community College is an equal opportunity institution providing educational and employment opportunities, programs, services, and activities. RCC shall promote and maintain equal employment and educational opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions including lactation, age (except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification), status as a veteran, national origin, or other non-merit factors. RCC also prohibits sexual misconduct, including sexual violence or harassment.
Inquiries may be directed to the Director of Human Resources Caroline Stelter at cstelter@rappahannock.edu, 12745 College Drive, Glenns, VA 23149, 804-758-6728.
If you need the nondiscrimination policy translated into another language, or in an alternate format so that you can access it, please contact the Dean of Student Development Dr. David Keel at dkeel@rappahannock.edu, 12745 College Drive, Glenns, VA 23149, 804-758-6731.
RCC provides inclusive access to exceptional training and educational opportunities meeting the community’s needs and preparing individuals for success as learners, employees, and citizens.
Services for Students with Disabilities
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. This law prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstream of American life.
Who is Eligible?
If you are enrolled at RCC and have a documented disability you may receive accommodations, within reason, for your college courses.
At the beginning of each semester, you should meet with the ADA Coordinator for your campus to complete the online request form.
Glenns Campus ADA Coordinator is Charlene Jones, 804-333-6732, cjones@rappahannock.edu
Warsaw Campus ADA Coordinator is Kelly Osuanah, 804-758-6733, kosuanah@rappahannock.edu
You will need to provide:
- a completed Disability Assessment form from your doctor
- and/or a high school IEP or 504
Your ADA Coordinator will review the documentation and work with you to set up suitable accommodations based on your disability. You may not receive the same accommodations your received in high school.
Unlike the high school process, ADA accommodations in college are not automatic. You should meet with your ADA Coordinator each semester to obtain accommodation paperwork to give to your instructors. It is up to you to inform your instructors.
Request for ADA Accommodations