Rappahannock has received the following allocation of funds:
Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students |
$574,596 | $574,596 | $2,280,159 |
Institution of Higher Education Relief Funds |
$574,506 | $1,989,934 | $2,153,515 |
Strengthening Institutions Program HEERF Funds |
$57,541 | $107,611 | $0 |
*The RCC President has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution will use the applicable amount of funds designated under CARES, CRRSAA and ARP program to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
Federal CARES Act Information
Federal CARES Act Information
(Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security)
Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds
In 2020 and 2021, Rappahannock Community College was the recipient of Higher Education Relief Funds (HEERF) authorized through the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES), the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRSSA), and the American Rescue Plan (ARP). To support transparency, RCC will use this page to report on use of funds and meet federal specific reporting requirements.
Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students
Funding is to provide emergency financial aid grants to students whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic. Funds are intended to be used to cover the cost of attendance at RCC including tuition, child care, gas, personal technology needs, internet, instructional materials, and other costs related to attendance. Go to the Emergency Assistance Request Form.
Emergency Financial Grants Previously Awarded
A description of the methodology and number of student emergency grants distributed under the CARES Act can be found on the following link: CARES ACT Distribution Information
Current Distribution of Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students
Rappahannock Community College understands that the coronavirus pandemic has impacted all students. As such, emergency grants will be made to the following enrolled students after the semester’s drop date until funds have been fully expended:
- Students (including dual enrolled students) enrolled in academic credit based classes
- Adult education students who have completed at least 30 hours of instruction
- Students enrolled in a workforce program with at least a 30 hour curriculum
Students that have a demonstrated exceptional need as documented through the FAFSA will receive an award with a higher dollar amount. Students are encouraged to have an up-to-date FAFSA on file. For information on competing a FAFSA please click here.
Students will not need to apply to receive these funds. Grants will be disbursed by direct deposit, or sent as a check. This will depend on how students have opted to receive their financial aid refunds. The default method of receiving these funds is a paper check. Given delays in USPS delivery time, we recommend that students set up direct deposit. For more information on setting up a student account please click here to download instructions.
As of 12/31/2021, Rappahannock Community College has distributed 6,331 HEERF emergency grants to students totaling $3,429,351 in Student Grant Funds and $217,449 in Institutional Funds. All funds from the HEERF Emergency Grants to Students have been expended. For students with continuing need, please apply for Emergency Funding through the process noted below. RCC may use HEERF Institutional Funds to support student emergency needs.
Click for the latest distribution data.
Additional Emergency Grants for Students
Students with additional exceptional need are encouraged to apply for additional emergency support by clicking on the following survey. Student requests are reviewed by a team at RCC and if approved are awarded within one month of application.
A total of 42 student grants have been provided using the Strengthening Institutions Program HEERF Funds totaling $53,400.
Students with questions on emergency grants should reach out to Dr. David Keel, RCC Dean of Student Development at 804-758-6731 or dkeel@rappahannock.edu.
Institution of Higher Education Relief Funds
Rappahannock Community College Institutional Funds may be used to support costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus pandemic. Funds may also be used to further fund student emergency grants.
RCC has used or plans to use funds for the following:
- Student Emergency Grants
- Health and safety related expenses including facility related safety measures as well as COVID vaccine clinics.
- Training for faculty in on-line learning.
- Technology to support on-line access, on-line learning, on-line orientation, and on-line tutoring.
- Instructional equipment to support reduced class sizes particularly for lab-based classes in the health sciences and in welding.
- Student Support Services
- Instructional support for safe class sizes.
- Grant management and indirect costs.
RCC uses of Institutional Funds can be found on the following quarterly financial reports:
- 3rd Quarter 2020 Report
- 4th Quarter 2020 Report
- 1st Quarter 2021 Report
- 2nd Quarter 2021 Report
- 3rd Quarter 2021 Report
- 4th Quarter 2021 Report
- 1st Quarter 2022 Report
- 2nd Quarter 2022 Report
- 3rd Quarter 2022 Report
- 4th Quarter 2022 Report
- 1st Quarter 2023 Report
- 2nd Quarter 2023 Report
- 3rd Quarter Revised 2023 Report
- 4th Quarter 2023 Revised Report
- 1st Quarter 2024 Revised Report
This section was originally posted on 6/12/2020 and updated on 6/24/2020, 7/23/2020, 8/10/2020, 1/28/2021, 10/18/2021, 1/10/2022, 4/10/2022, 7/10/2022, 10/7/2022, 1/19/2023, 4/11/2023, 7/13/2023, 1/16/2024, 4/11/2024, 8/12/2024.