Computer and Information Technology
RCC offers a variety of programs in computer and information technology that provide fast-track education and training to get you into the workforce or to earn additional qualifications in your current position.
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Career Studies Certificate is found under Technical Trades.
Computer Application Specialist Career Studies Certificate
This 18-credit certificate is designed to train and equip students with the essential skills needed in an automated working environment, including basic computer skills in computer literacy and operations. Additional tuition assistance is available through the G3 program.
Game Design and Development Career Studies Certificate
This 12-credit program can be completed in one semester and is designed to prepare individuals with entry-level skills to enter the fields of game design, web design, and animation.
Basic Networking and Cybersecurity Career Studies Certificate
This 12-credit program can be completed in one semester. It is designed for recent high school graduates or for individuals in the labor force who are seeking entry-level jobs in the area of networking or are seeking additional computer networking skills for their current position.
Advanced Networking and Cybersecurity Career Studies Certificate
This 27-credit program can be completed in two semesters and helps prepare students for CompTIA Security + certification exams. It is designed to introduce students to a variety of cybersecurity areas including routing basics, hacking, e-commerce, and the legal issues of the field. Additional tuition assistance is available through the G3 program.
Web Design Career Studies Certificate
This 12-credit program can be completed in one semester. Students will develop the skills necessary to create web pages and websites that meet the challenges of promoting and advertising businesses and services in the 21st Century.